Terms of Use of Entos Chorosynthesis website


entos.shop is the online store for the display and distribution of products online of «Entos Chorosynthesis» (TIN: …….., TAX OFFICE: ……….., HELLENIC BUSINESS REGISTRY NUMBER: ………….), located at ………., in GREECE.


These Terms of Use (along with the documents referenced in it) explain how you can use our site entos.shop (our website), as a visitor or as a registered user. Using our site includes accessing it, browsing or subscribing to it.

Before entering the online store and browsing our site, we invite you to consult the following terms and conditions that apply specifically to the use of Entos Chorosynthesis online store, located at entos.shop.

Please read the terms and conditions governing entos.shop carefully and we recommend that you print and keep a copy of them for future use.

These terms may be reviewed and updated at any time without prior notice. For this reason, please check these terms regularly, as the continued use of this Portal implies that you accept any changes. Accessing, browsing, using or subscribing to the site is a presumption that you have read, understood and agreed to these terms and that you are bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions and refuse to be bound by them, you should not use this website.

In addition to the terms described below, there are additional terms that apply depending on the use of the site and the access to certain pages within it by you, such as:

  • Our Privacy Policy, which defines the terms by which we process the personal data we collect from you or that you provide. By using our site, you agree to such processing and guarantee that all data you provide is accurate
  • Our Cookie Policy, which defines the use of cookies on our site
  • If you purchase products from our site, the Entos Chorosynthesis e-shopTerms of Use apply
  • To be included in the lists of those registered to receive marketing and promotional notifications and direct marketing actions, the Terms and Conditions of Use of Information and Promotional Activities of Entos Chorosynthesis e-shop apply


Intellectual Property Rights

All rights, including copyright and other rights other than that on this website are owned or licensed by Entos Chorosynthesis. The entire content of this site is the intellectual property of Entos Chorosynthesis and is protected by national, community and international law, while Entos Chorosynthesis retains all copyright of the content and the copies created based on it.

You may use, download and print content from the website only for your personal use or for internal purposes of the business. For any use other than the ones explicitly described above, you may not use, download or print content from this website without our written consent for:

  • copy, reproduction, use of or any other action with the content of the site
  • modification, distribution or restoration of any content on the site for any purpose
  • reproduction, linking of this website to any other website
  • use of the content of the site for any commercial exploitation


Information provided & Disclaimer

Entos Chorosynthesis is committed regarding the quality, fullness and validity of the information that is posted on entos.shop, both in terms of the exact information displayed and of the services provided by its online store under the reservation of any technical or typographical errors that cannot be predicted or have inadvertently occurred or if the site has stopped functioning for reasons of force majeure (unavoidable circumstances).

The online store entos.shop provides the content (i.e. information, names, pictures, illustrations, etc.), the products and services available through the site “exactly as they are”.

Entos Chorosynthesis, under no circumstances, including negligence, is responsible for any form of damage to the visitor / user of the pages, services, choices and content of the website as he /she uses them on his / her own initiative, knowing the terms of use. Also, Entos Chorosynthesis does not warrant that the pages, services, choices and contents will be provided without interruption, without errors, or that errors will be corrected or that every query will be answered. Similarly, Entos Chorosynthesis does not warrant that the website or any other related site or “servers” through which the content is made available to visitors / users is provided without “viruses” or other harmful components. The cost of possible corrections or services is undertaken by the visitor / user and in no case by Entos Chorosynthesis.


Security and Privacy

Entos Chorosynthesis recognizes the importance of the security of your Personal Data and your electronic transactions and takes all the necessary measures, using the most up-to-date and advanced methods, to ensure maximum security. All information that relates to your personal information and your transactions is secure and confidential.

More information about the Privacy Policy can be found on the corresponding page of our site.



Links to sites of third-parties and social media connection

At times, our sites and apps may contain links to and from the websites of our partners, advertisers, and affiliates. If you follow a link to any of these sites, it is noted that these sites have their own terms of use and privacy policy and we are not responsible for these policies. Please check these policies before submitting any personal data to these sites.



Acceptable Use

You may use our site only for legitimate purposes.

You cannot use our site:

  • In a way that may violate any local, national or international law or regulation
  • In a way that is illegal or fraudulent, or has an illegal or fraudulent purpose or result
  • In order to harm young people or children
  • For viewing or distributing illegal, offensive content
  • For transmitting or downloading any unwanted or unauthorized advertising or promotional material or any other form of spam
  • For sending and distributing any material containing malicious software that may adversely affect the operation of any software or equipment

You also agree:

  • Not to reproduce, copy, or resell any part of our site, thus violating the Terms of Use of the Site.
  • Not to access without authorization, cause interference, damage or interruption to:
    • any part of our site
    • any equipment or network on which our site is stored
    • software used to provide our website or
    • any equipment or network or software owned or used by any third party


For any questions, any problems with the content, operation of the site or other specific issues (legal, ethical, copyright etc.), please contact the company using the following:

Entos Chorosynthesis

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